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Throwing a mountain into the sea

Without doubt it will be done

Dear Amy,

How can we throw a mountain into the sea?

What a ridiculous question! It’s clearly impossible. And yet, Jesus said,

“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.”

Mark 11:23

Why would Jesus say such a thing? Is he mocking us? Is he exaggerating? Is he lying, even?

When someone tells us something that is hard to accept, how we receive it depends critically on who they are, and what we know of them. Can we trust? And what reason do we have for that?

After so many years, I have learnt that I can trust Jesus absolutely. I’m quite a slow learner, and have doubted in various ways for so much of my life, but no longer. I choose therefore to believe that Jesus was telling the truth when he said this impossible thing. What do I make of it then? I have to relate it to other things I know.

Jesus said a similar thing to his disciples at the Last Supper.

“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

John 14:14

But here we have the caveat, “in my name”. I can only ask for something in Jesus’ name if he would have asked for the same. That’s a wonderful guideline for praying in power, and it defines my own expectation in prayer.

So, I choose to believe Jesus. I can’t throw a mountain into the sea, only because I cannot escape my own doubt about that. I acknowledge that as the reason. If I didn’t doubt, it would be so. That is on me. Jesus is trustworthy and true, and he speaks truth. And there are so many other things I can pray for, believing, not doubting. Impossible things, even. Praise him!

Pray in power, Amy, believing and not doubting! 🙏

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