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Ruthless consistency

Transformed by the renewing of your mind

Dear Amy,

What else follows from ruthless consistency?

We already saw that ruthless consistency is the enabler for engaging our whole mind in faith, but there’s more to be found along this path, much more. By bringing our intellect into alignment with the eternal truths of the Lord, our mind is renewed, so much so, as if it were previously firing on only a few of the available cylinders. Paul writes about this to the Romans.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is⸺his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

Renewed minds transform our very lives. Otherwise how blindly we may find ourselves following along in the ways of the world: judging others, taking offence, living for self, and being so pleased with ourselves, smug and self-righteous.

Renewing of the mind and the life-transformation that follows is an ongoing process, fuelled by a ruthless consistency in seeking to honour the Lord⸺that ruthless consistency which compels us to root out and expel every sin, every misplaced thought. To replace love of self with love for the Lord and for one another, and to do this with zeal and great joy. To dwell in love and faithfulness, gentleness and kindness and patience, and to live with humility and absolute integrity.

And what then? Then we will be able to test and approve what God’s will is. Let’s consider for a moment what that means, as it’s not immediately apparent.

Test here means to be able to recognise as genuine after examination. For example being able to see the Lord’s handiwork in situations which might otherwise be difficult to endure. In all things God works for our good, and some of these things are painful indeed, and can be prolonged. With a renewed mind we are able to perceive his grace in these very situations as he works on our hearts, preparing us for eternity.

And our approval simply means saying, yes Lord! Accepting, and making a joyful surrender⸺even in the difficulty and the pain⸺to the power and grace and healing from the Lord which is making us like Christ.

Live with ruthless consistency, Amy, and be transformed by the renewing of your mind! 🙏

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