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Plain old fear

How does fear begin?

Dear Amy,

There’s the fear of the Lord, and there’s plain old fear, and the two are mutually exclusive. Consider plain old fear. Fear that disempowers. Debilitates. Disembowels. Fear that blinds, and blindness that feeds fear, in a downward spiral. To see how to end it, understand how it begins. It begins with lies.

God doesn’t care about me (1 Jn 4:9-10). God has no use for me (Jer 29:11). God won’t keep his promises (Josh 23:14). God can’t do it (Jer 32:27). It won’t end well (Rev 21:3-4).

This list is not exhaustive. But whatever the fear, when in its grip, expose the lie which birthed the fear. Here’s that joyous verse from Psalm 119 again: “I have chosen the way of truth … I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free” (v30, 32)

May our Lord and Saviour continue to free your heart, Amy. 🙏

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