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A choice which is ours to make

Dear Amy,

How can we choose joy?

The fruit of the Spirit is … joy

Galatians 5:22

Isn’t joy something that from time to time lands on us, thrills our heart, and lifts us into the Lord’s presence? How can we choose this for ourselves? In fact we can, and understanding this is the key to a deeper, richer, more joyous walk with the Lord, independent of the circumstances of our lives.

There’s a clue in Paul’s command (a command, no less!) to the Philippians.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Philippians 4:4

He says it again because it is of such great importance. We must understand this! But how can we rejoice when life is hard, and sorrow and pain feature so prominently in our world and in our lives? Paul tells us almost immediately.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable⸺if anything is excellent or praiseworthy⸺think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

What are these things we must think about, exactly? I am grateful to Jim Packer for presenting this so clearly, thus:

  1. God loves me, infinitely and eternally.
  2. Everything comes to me from God, at least with his permission and always under his protection, to further my eternal good.
  3. My saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus, which will eternally increase, is something supremely worth having.
  4. The gospel message of salvation that I seek to pass on to others is something supremely worth giving.

J.I. Packer, Laid-Back Religion? Chapter 6: Joy

By meditating on these matters constantly and faithfully, springs of joy well up in our hearts, turning our Christian walk into “an experience of contentment and exaltation of which the world knows nothing” ― J.I. Packer.

Choose joy, Amy, and meditate on the uplifting and glorious truths of the Lord! 🙏

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