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Integrity and uprightness

That which protects

Dear Amy,

How can goodness protect us?

The fruit of the Spirit is … goodness

Galatians 5:22

The Greek word is agathōsunē, which can be translated uprightness of heart and life.

Let’s look briefly again into Psalm 25 (what a jewel of a psalm that is!), where David writes with such humility, so aware of his own shortcomings and his desire to live a life of integrity, honouring the Lord.

May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you.

Psalm 25:21

We see protection there, but how does that work? Before we get to that, read the whole psalm and notice that there is not a shred of smug self-satisfaction as David seeks with all his heart to honour the Lord and live a right life. Paul also writes of this.

You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

Romans 6:18

We must seek with our whole heart to live as slaves to righteousness, purging every wrong thought and deed, pouring ourselves out in humility and gratitude to the Lord. The Holy Spirit enables us to do this. It is a miracle of grace that sinners such as we are, even forgiven sinners, can live with such integrity and uprightness, evidence in our own lives of the victory Jesus won on the cross. Praise him!

As we live with humility as slaves to righteousness, continuing to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, integrity and uprightness keep us on the narrow path that leads to life, and it is this that protects us. The process is ongoing, and so is the journey.

May integrity and uprightness protect you, Amy, as you live as a slave to righteousness! 🙏

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