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How much can we love the Lord?

Holding nothing back

Dear Amy,

How much can we love the Lord?

Recently in church we were invited to speak out our praise to God. Woefully, every single prayer was me and us. What self-obsession! Is there any deliverance from this? Wonderfully there is, and it’s to be found in Revelation, chapters 4 and 5. Lose yourself in that for a while. Hear a hundred million angels and every creature singing:

“Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise!”

Revelation 5:12

Are any thinking about themselves, even for a moment? Not remotely! They are wholly captivated by the presence of the risen Lord Jesus, his glory and his power, and his irresistible love.

Let us be so, and love the Lord with such a love that we forget ourselves. With a love for him that is magnified as he enlarges our hearts with his own overflowing love. Let us adore the one who is “worthy … to receive glory and honour and power” (Rev 4:11).

Love him, Amy! 🙏

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