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How can we love the Lord this much?

Feed and water our love with praise

Dear Amy,

How can we love the Lord this much?

There’s a clue in Revelation 4:8, where the four living creatures, day and night, never stop saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” And in Revelation 5:9, where together with the twenty-four elders, they sing to Jesus, “… you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”

When two people are in love, truly, madly, deeply, they think about each other a lot. Like, all the time! Detachment from reality may be observed. They think about each other’s attributes, the very best, and it fuels their love. David does this of the Lord in Psalm 145. “Every day I will praise you” (v2) because “great is the LORD and most worthy of praise” (v3) “… and I will meditate on your wonderful works” (v5). He goes on to remind himself and us of the Lord’s attributes (v8-9, 13-14, 17-20).

Read these verses. Meditate on them. Dwell in them. Express your love for the Lord through them. Put him at the centre, and lift him high. Adore him.

We must do this day and night, never ceasing, all the time! “My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord … for ever and ever” (v21). Let us detach from the pseudo-reality that deceives us, and embrace the eternal reality. Let us feed and water our love for the Lord with endless praise, so it grows and grows, for his glory, and by his power and transforming grace.

Love him more, Amy! 🙏

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