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He is with you

Even in the darkest valley

Dear Amy,

What three or four words comprise the heart of Psalm 23?

Having started reflecting on this psalm last week, I’m not quite ready to move on. So, where is its heart?

He restores my soul (v3)? Yes indeed, this is the wonderful truth we considered, but not I think the heart of the psalm.

My cup overflows (v5)? Oh to know the ongoing reality of that, as the Lord rains down his blessing upon us, unceasingly! That blessing is consequential though, not causal⸺the wonderful result of something, but not it’s source.

The Lord is my shepherd (v1)? Oops that’s five words, but we are now homing in on the source of it all.

I think it’s this: You are with me (v4). That’s the heart of the psalm, the reason behind everything else. The rest of the psalm unpacks this truth, revealing who is the one who is with me, the Lord, my shepherd, and what he does.

Let’s consider the rest of that verse.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

I have been in that valley. It was a lonely, desperate place to walk, for the longest time, and I hope never to return. But it was the place where I died to self, and that was only possible because the Lord was with me. Sometimes the Lord has things to teach us that can only be received in the darkest places. And my testimony is, he was with me then.

His rod and his staff comfort me. There is both discipline and protection here, guiding me in paths of righteousness even when I am inclined to wander, and guarding me on those paths.

And so it is. He is with you, Amy. Fear no evil, there is no need. Consider who is this one who is with you. He prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. They are nothing to him. He invites you to sit and eat in his presence, and as he pours out his blessing into your cup, it overflows, cascading everywhere, and still he pours.

Fear no evil, Amy, the Lord of all creation is with you, and you will dwell in his house forever! 🙏

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