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Experiencing grace

How can we better perceive the Lord's grace in all we experience?

Dear Amy,

How can we better perceive the Lord’s grace in all we experience, and what would that mean?

Life is full of frustrations and disappointments. Even for the Christian seeking the Lord with all of our heart, living a surrendered life, putting him first in everything, things may not turn out as we would have wished. And that’s not just small things. The whole course of one’s life could turn out to be so different from what was desired. Where is our loving Heavenly Father in this? Does he not want to bless his children? Absolutely he does! So what is going on?

Paul wrote to the Romans this oft-quoted verse:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Let’s consider that in the context of Solomon’s wisdom:

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

Proverbs 16:9

Everyone has hopes and desires for their own life. Some may be sufficiently well organised to have a plan! But the Lord determines their steps. It is his plans and purposes that prevail. Let us not delude ourselves that we can control our own destiny, and somehow plan our way there. That is for the Lord.

It is important to dispel a misconception. Paul is not saying that everything that happens is good and is caused by God. That is observably false⸺terrible things do happen. Rather he is saying that whatever happens, God works in it and through it “for the good of those who love him”. Let us be those!

Let us learn to see the world through the lens of Romans 8:28 as it actually is then. May we consciously receive God’s grace in all that happens. “In all things” let us submit to his superior wisdom, knowing that there is no better eternal outcome than the one he has for us. When apparent disappointments come, let us receive them with a grateful heart. The Lord has seen things that we have not. His love is unfailing. He may very well be rescuing us from something we thought was better, but is in fact not. He is the one who determines our steps, and it is very good.

Receive his grace with a grateful heart in all things, Amy! 🙏

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