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An axe-head floats

Insight into the Father-heart of God

Dear Amy,

How can a floating axe-head provide insight into the Father-heart of God?

[Elisha and his servants and the company of the prophets] went to the Jordan and began to cut down trees [to build a place for them to live]. As one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron axe-head fell into the water. “Oh, my lord,” he cried out, “it was borrowed!”

The man of God asked, “Where did it fall?” When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. “Lift it out,” he said. Then the man reached out his hand and took it.

2 Kings 6:4-7

What a curious little account. How are we to understand it? Firstly, let’s note just what a man of God Elisha was. When Elijah was handing down to him the mantle of being the Lord’s prophet, Elisha asked to inherit a double portion of his spirit. (How cheeky was that? — 2 Kings 2:1-15) He certainly received it!

Back to the axe-head then. Losing an axe-head would have been no small matter⸺there was certainly no Mitre 10 Mega to provide a replacement. And consider the shame of losing borrowed equipment, especially something so valuable. But still, surely a trivial thing in the light of eternity? Why would the Lord even care? Wouldn’t he be more concerned with the learning and growth opportunity afforded by suffering such a loss? Isn’t this life supposed to be about learning to suffer and submit to such? How easily we could fail to understand the Father-heart of God!

What do we actually see revealed here then? Here’s what. A lavish, gratuitously kind and compassionate miraculous response to a material loss. Yes, the man had been careless, and shouldn’t have let this happen. But it did, and the Lord stepped in with no rebuke, demonstrating through his servant Elisha such affection and concern for one he loved.

And so it is with us. The Lord’s kindness and compassion for us is rooted in the reality of our situation. How ready he is to step in and rescue! He understands us, he understands our need, and his response is love and kindness.

Run to your Heavenly Father, Amy, with any and all of your needs, because he cares for you! 🙏

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